Jam In Place

a Game Jam Idea

Jam In Place: My first attempt to make Quarantine better

When Colorado came out with the Shelter in place order, I had the idea to try and make a game jam. To me, there is no better way to spend a weekend. I couldn't leave my house and there were going to be a lot of people looking for something to do. I didn't think that quarantine would last long... So I rushed it. Even with minimal advertising, 6 people made games that weekend for this jam.

Fast forward to early August when a friend from the DU Game Developers Club reached out and wanted to try and get it going again. Thus, jam in place was born. So far, I am running into the same struggles, mainly getting it advertised. maintaining a web and social media presence is exhausting. I'm hoping to try and get an audience of people who want to try out programming or game development but think its "too hard". It's how I got my start doing what I do and its a fun and consequence-free way to get started in development.

The Jam starts September 24th, and we will see how many participants we can get... Hope it's a lot but I still need to get more excitement built up for it.